Somehow I had gotten it in my head
that Spike Jonze directed this film. Maybe it's because the
actor/director is so hilarious as the idiot, redneck character
Conrad. “Three Kings” is, in fact, directed and partly written by
David O. Russell (“Silver Linings Playbook,” “American
Hustle”), and it is better than it has any right to be. On the one
hand, Russell has written a highly implausible heist movie combined
with a rather preachy morality tale, all set in the first Iraq War.
On the other hand, the combined performances are so compelling that
the movie somehow works.
Troy (Mark Wahlberg), Conrad (Jonze),
and Chief Elgin (Ice Cube) are army reservists finishing up an almost
action-free stint in Operation Desert Storm. While processing Iraqi
POWs, they find a map that appears to lead to one of Saddam's secret
bunkers full of stolen Kuwaiti gold. Before the guys can even
process the possibilities, Special Forces Captain Archie Gates
(George Clooney) has sniffed out the situation and muscled his way
into it. This is just as well, as none of the other guys would have
a chance of putting together a way to steal that loot. Under
Archie's guidance, they find and steal the gold, relying on the
reluctance of the defeated Iraqis to instigate hostilities with
American soldiers.
During the heist, the men discover
that with the fighting officially over, Iraqi forces are
concentrating on suppressing those Iraqis who tried to rise up
against Saddam during the brief war. They are rounding up and
torturing rebels and starving out entire villages. Faced directly
with this reality, the men have to chose between completing their
heist as planned or intervening.
While Wahlberg and Clooney get top
billing in this film, they are far from the most memorable
characters. The interaction between Spike Jonze's moronic, racist
Conrad and Ice Cube's Chief easily steals the show. Nora Dunn
provides some excellent comic relief as a war reporter hustling for a
story. Best of all, however, are the actors who portray the Iraqis.
Cliff Curtis, who is actually of New Zealand Maori descent rather
than Arab, is a magnetic presence as the rebel leader. Said
Taghmaoui is unforgettable as an Iraqi officer who tortures Troy
while calling him “my main man.” His “What's the problem with
Michael Jackson” speech may be the best part of the movie.
Ultimately, “Three Kings” is about
individuals making hard choices in the face of a hypocritical U.S.
foreign policy and an uncaring military machine. The movie addresses
a little-discussed aspect of America's Iraq wars. America encouraged
Iraqi dissidents to rebel against Saddam, and they did so thinking we
would be invading to back them up. When we stopped the war instead,
they were left exposed to torture, disappearances, and execution. Is
it any wonder that America has trouble finding reliable friends in
Iraq now?
3 stars out of 5
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